SCT Lawyers
SCT Lawyers SCT Lawyers
Member of the General Criminal Law Panel & Member of the Complex
Serious Indictable Criminal Law Panel
  Legal Advice

What is the Process Involved when Going to Court?

Attending Court for the first time can be a highly daunting experience. You may think that this is the end of your life, as you know it. The reality is, it’s not!

Assuming you have been given a field court attendance notice, it means that you are required to attend court. If this is the case you will know what date you are required to attend court. If you do not have a fact sheet (which essentially described details of the offence for which you have been charged), we can obtain one from the police on your behalf. Once we have this, then we are in a position to conference with you.

Upon conference we will ask that you attend our office for a no obligation free conference. At the conference we will sit down with you and take you through the charge, the penalties attached to the offence for which you have been charged, give you an accurate assessment of your case and provide you with complete cost disclosure as to what your legal fees will be. This will give you peace of mind as to where you stand and enable you to make informed decisions regarding your case.

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